YWCA Ontario

Photo of Queen's Park with the YWCA Ontario logo centre right

YWCA Ontario Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Bill 173 Declaring Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic

On April 10, 2024. the Government of Ontario carried Bill 173: Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act through a second reading, bringing us one critical step closer to having the province recognize that IPV is what advocates have long said and nearly 100 municipalities have affirmed with their own declarations: an epidemic. The Ontario government requested […]

YWCA Ontario Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Bill 173 Declaring Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic Read More »

YWCA Ontario logo on gradient background.

YWCA Ontario Testimony to Province’s Subcommittee on Intimate Partner Violence

On August 14, members of the YWCA Ontario coalition presented to the Province’s subcommittee on Intimate Partner Violence. This committee was struck following the Ontario government passing Bill 173: Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic passed second reading and was referred to the Justice Committee for review. We were represented by YWCA Hamilton CEO, Medora Uppal, YWCA

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YWCA Ontario logo

YWCA Ontario Coalition responds to the 2023 Provincial Budget

On March 23, 2023, the Ontario government released its 2023 budget. Below is the YWCA Ontario Coalition’s response. A PDF version of the budget analysis can be found here.A PDF version of the budget analysis can be found here. One of the two themes of this year’s provincial budget, tabled by Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy

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Blue overlay on photo of a calculator. Text: Ontario Budget 2023: YWCA Ontario Pre-budget Submission

Ontario Budget 2023: YWCA Ontario Pre-Budget Submission

What we are seeing on the frontlines is that poverty, gender-based violence, mental health crises and general hardship continue to deepen. There are not enough Violence Against Women (VAW) and homeless shelter beds to meet demand, nor is there an adequate supply of affordable, supportive housing. The pandemic and rising inflation have made life more difficult for our program participants – and for us to deliver essential services.

Ontario Budget 2023: YWCA Ontario Pre-Budget Submission Read More »

Blue overlay over a photo of two children playing. Title of article over top of image in white. YWCA Ontario logo top right.

YWCA Ontario to Minister Lecce: The Child Care Sector is in Crisis and You Can Fix it

The YWCA Ontario coalition sent the following letter to Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce. PDF version here. The Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario By email: premier@ontario.ca The Hon. Minister of Education Stephen LecceOntario Ministry of EducationToronto, OntarioBy email: minister.edu@ontario.ca Re: The Child Care Sector is in Crisis and You Can

YWCA Ontario to Minister Lecce: The Child Care Sector is in Crisis and You Can Fix it Read More »

Blue overlay. Hand putting ballot in ballot box in background.

YWCA Ontario’s Statement on the 2022 Provincial Election Results

June 6, 2022
On June 2, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives gained a second consecutive majority government. The New Democratic Party (NDP) remains the Official Opposition with 31 seats. Neither the Liberal Party, who gained eight seats, nor the Green Party, who won one seat, reached official party status by winning at least 12 seats.
YWCA Ontario saw this election as an opportunity for all parties to commit to a feminist agenda. We congratulate the government on its victory. However, we are concerned over the lack of progress on gender equality and the reduction of poverty. When first elected in 2018, the government dissolved the roundtable on violence against women and more recently, the Premier did not attend the first-ever party leaders debate on women’s issues in Ontario. The 2022 provincial budget, which served as the party’s platform, mentioned women only eight times, countering our calls for an intersectional, gender-responsive budget and a plan to prioritize women, girls and gender diverse people this election.
The most jarring aspect of this election is the incredibly low voter turnout. With such a low percentage of eligible voters casting a ballot in Ontario, no matter the outcome, the lack of participation undermines the effectiveness of our democracy. It is disconcerting to see such little engagement at the polls.
YWCA Ontario is committed to advancing gender and racial equity and poverty reduction. Across the province, our Member Associations provide programs to women, girls and gender diverse people, including support for women fleeing violence; a range of safe, affordable and supportive housing options; gender-focused employment and training programs; girls’, youth and child care programs, and so much more. These community services will be more important than ever as we work to recover from more than two years of a pandemic that has deepened inequities and created new hardships for women in Ontario, particularly Indigenous, racialized, queer, trans and newcomer women.
As the cost of living mounts, and many social services remain underfunded and struggling to recover from the pandemic, Ontarians are facing sizable challenges. Now is the time for action.
Moving forward, we need the support of the newly elected government to ensure the rights, economic wellbeing, and safety of all women. Ontarians need decent work and decent pay provisions for all workers, particularly child care workers, increased social assistance rates, deeply affordable housing, and a province wide-strategy to eliminate gender-based violence. YWCA Ontario is committed to working with the Government to meaningfully advance these issues.

YWCA Ontario’s Statement on the 2022 Provincial Election Results Read More »

"it's time to choose gender equity" purple silhouette of group of protestors along bottom

YWCA Ontario Campaign Urges Political Candidates to “Choose Gender Equity” This Election

The coalition of YWCAs across Ontario has launched a provincial election campaign to urge political leaders and party candidates to “choose gender equity” this provincial election.  “We know lockdowns and other public health measures hurt women the most – particularly Black, Indigenous and racialized women and gender diverse people, and those with disabilities,” said YWCA

YWCA Ontario Campaign Urges Political Candidates to “Choose Gender Equity” This Election Read More »

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