Individual Giving

Donors throughout the community help ensure cis and trans women and girls, non-binary and Two-Spirit individuals have access to gender equity and employment programs at no cost. Without you, as a generous donor, this would not be possible.

Philanthropic gifts from you support programs and allow gender-based violence prevention work to continue through YWCA Cambridge. All monetary donations above $20 are tax receiptable and invested directly into programs to support participants. You can make a one-time donation today, for yourself or to honour someone special in your life.

Women of Distinction audience

Monthly Gifts

Girl doing STEM activity YWCA Cambridge TechGyrls

Giving a monthly gift is one of the most effective and generous ways for you to help sustain and expand the reach of youth and employment programming at  YWCA Cambridge. By making a monthly commitment to support YWCA Cambridge, you provide dollars for program supplies, a safe space to provide programming and the ability to spread awareness of gender inequity.

Being a monthly donor allows you to build a relationship with those that reap the benefits of your support. Through bi-monthly updates and an annual tax receipt, you’ll be able to see the good that your donation is doing. Monthly giving is affordable and flexible. Your monthly donation gives us the ability to plan ahead and invest in long-term solutions to meet the specific needs of the community. 

Mail & Phone Donations

YWCA Cambridge welcomes donations by mail or over the phone.

Mailing AddressYWCA Cambridge102- 55 Dickson Street Cambridge, ON N1R 7A5 

Phone (519) 267-6444

In-Kind Donations

From household items to art supplies, there are many ways that an in-kind gift can help support programming. Your item can be used to support youth and pre-employment programs, child care programming, and offset costs associated with required materials. Please contact us if you have items you would like to donate to YWCA Cambridge at


Legacy Giving

Everyone has a legacy to leave and a story to tell. By including YWCA Cambridge in your personal legacy, your impact will live on forever.

Without taking away the resources needed for your family, it’s possible to do more by giving in a different way. Support a mission close to your heart for generations to come through a bequest in your will. By choosing to include a gift in your will, you can leave a meaningful impact on cis and trans women and girls, non-binary and Two-Spirit individuals in your community. Your legacy gift will provide access to innovative and responsive programs, services and advocacy aimed at preventing gender-based violence and achieving gender equity. 


You may want to honour a friend or family member by making a memorial gift in their name. Please contact us at to inquire about memorial gifts. 

Still wondering whether legacy giving is right for you? Here are some things to consider:

  1. Make a Legacy Calculation – Are you concerned that making a legacy donation will take away the funds that you’re leaving behind for your family? Making a simple legacy calculation can help you determine what amount is right for you to give to an organization and your loved ones.
  2. Think about Tax Benefits – The Government of Canada has created tax incentives that allow you to give more to a charity, benefiting you and an organization doing impactful work. 
  3. Consult a financial expert – Book a meeting with your financial advisor to find out how to maximize your donation. 

Please fill out a Legacy Gift Confirmation Form, which can be used to advise YWCA Cambridge that a future gift has been planned. To further discuss the intentions of your gift and for all pertinent information about YWCA Cambridge please refer to the Bequest Form or please contact us at


Two young women embracing, one wearing yellow, one with a colourful headscarf.

Corporate Giving

As an employee, you can make a difference in your local community by engaging your workplace in contributing alongside you. Ask your company about payroll deduction or matching gifts! Click the button below to learn more about some of the ways your dollars can go further with the help of your organization.

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