2025 Women of Distinction Awards

Nomination Form

PLEASE NOTE: Nominations for the 2025 awards will be accepted until 11:59 P.M. March 31, 2025


Nomination Requirements

  1. One complete copy of the nomination package is required, and must be submitted by the deadline (11:59 P.M. on March 31, 2025) in order to be eligible.
  2. A nominee can be re-nominated in any future year but may only receive a Women of Distinction award once. Should the nominator wish to use a past nomination, a request may be made to YWCA Cambridge to avoid filling out the form again.
  3. Nominees MUST live and/or work in Cambridge and North Dumfries but may have made their contributions to communities within or beyond the these borders;
  4. Nominees must NOT be a current member of YWCA Cambridge’s Board of Directors, an employee of YWCA Cambridge or a member of the Women of Distinction Selection Committee. 
  5. Nominees must support the mission and values of YWCA Cambridge and consent to be nominated

Selection Process


  1. We highly recommend that you record your application information on a Word or text document before submission. This will allow you to have a backup copy of the information you have submitted with the application. The information can then be pasted into the form below.
  2. Completed packages must be received by 11:59 P.M on March 31, 2025. 
  3. All nominations will be reviewed by the Women of Distinction Selection Committee who will choose the award recipients based on the submitted information only. Please be thorough and factual in your submission.
  4. All nomination packages will be treated in strict confidence

Nomination Form

Women of Distinction Awards Nomination Form

In 2025, YWCA Cambridge’s annual Women of Distinction Awards will celebrate the trailblazing women, girls and gender diverse individuals who make a difference in our community by driving positive change.

A Woman of Distinction has made a commitment to, and a significant difference in, their community by showing vision, creativity and initiative. They may have:

  • Been a role model and inspired others through their leadership
  • Broken new ground or old barriers, and been an agent for change
  • Participated actively as a volunteer
  • Made an impact in their chosen field or endeavour
  • Assisted others to be successful in their achievements and/or pandemic response
  • Inspired and encouraged women to take part in shaping the future of their own lives and their communities
  • Shown an innovative approach to challenges facing women, girls and gender diverse individuals and the wider community


To be eligible to receive a YWCA Cambridge Woman of Distinction Award, nominees must:

  1. Make their contribution and/or live in the Cambridge and North Dumfries areas
  2. Not be a previous award winner
  3. Not be a current member of the YWCA Cambridge Board of Directors or employee of YWCA Cambridge

Nominator Contact Information:

Nominee Contact Information:
If nominating a group or collective, please add the contact details for one member of the group below. Please note, a maximum of one group will be selected for an award.

Nomination Details:

Supporting Documents:

In order for this nomination to be considered complete, you must include UP TO THREE letters of reference or testimonials from your nominee’s network that highlight the nominee’s achievements/work AND a resume or bio of the nominee. These references could be co-workers, friends, family members, students, etc.). Testimonials can be submitted either as letters or video recordings (videos can be recorded simply on a cell phone). The testimonials should refer to your nominee by name, to their accomplishments and to YWCA Cambridge’s Women of Distinction awards. Please note that by submitting video testimonials, you and the subject of the video are consenting to them being used for marketing and promotional purposes.
If you have any trouble uploading files, please email them, along with your name, to info@ywcacambridge.ca

If preferred, you may download and print an MS Word version of this nomination form and return it in person to YWCA Cambridge at 102-55 Dickson Street, Cambridge.