Wazma Frogh headshot

She Talks 2019 Profile: Wazhma Frogh

Wazhma Frogh is an absolute powerhouse. She is a member of the Afghanistan High Peace Council and also the founder of the Women & Peace Studies Organization (WPSO), one of the few civil society organizations in Afghanistan that is working for women’s inclusion in the security sector reform processes with a particular focus on women in the police force. She has worked with women leaders from all over the country to ensure that women are utilized as resources for building peace at the local level and that they are meaningfully included in the country’s peace process. We are so excited to hear Wazhma tell her story on April 29 at She Talks 2019!

What’s a lesson you’ve learned on your journey that you’d want others to share with others?

I believe that the fact that I stood up for injustices inside my home against women and girls, enabled me to see the issue in the society at a larger extent. I’ve learned that change starts from within & we have to ensure we have just and peaceful homes to have a society that is free of violence. 

Image of Wazma Frogh with a quotation from her: " The global sisterhood and solidarity of women is what can change the global order of injustices."

What are your words to live by?

Silence doesn’t help a woman get rid of violence, it only empowers the perpetrator. I never remain silent in the face of injustices. 

What does the world need more of? Less of?

The world needs a new form of global politics that is based on communities’ welfare and humanity behind people of different groups and races. We need more of multiculturalism, understanding each other and tolerating differences so that grievances can be addressed and prevent youth from getting into violent extremism. We need less of politics of fear and identity politics that is based on creating fear among people and distance from those that are not similar to us. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

None 🙂

Who is someone you would say has had a significant impact on you? Why?

When I was around 13 years of age, I used to take care of a child with autism whose mother was our landlord. There are two women who have impacted me heavily. One is my mother and I always struggled not to be like her, obedient and silent. The second was the mother of that child who taught me at an early age that if women speak up louder, they will be heard. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I believe we women have so many different identities and so many different belongings. We cannot be reduced to one place or one group. The global sisterhood and solidarity of women is what can change the global order of injustices. 

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