Our Programs

Financial Literary Asset 10 Programs

All of our free, community-based programming takes place at The W. Once a hidden gem that only participants knew about, the W is becoming widely known in the community as a leader in responsive, participant-led programming. In this space, YWCA Cambridge provides supportive, inclusive and participant-led programs for cis and trans women and girls, non-binary and Two-Spirit individuals.

All programs are geared toward the needs of participants, with a focus on gender-based violence prevention programming through topics such as health and wellness, bodily integrity, social activism, empowerment, STEM and STEM mentoring, pre-employment and employment upskilling.

The YWCA Cambridge leadership team sits around a large wood table, facing the camera and smiling

The Canada Learning Bond

The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) is a $500-$2000 per person benefit that the Government of Canada will add to a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) to help support with expenses for full-time or part-time post-secondary education.

To receive the Canada Learning Bond, your child will need:

A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) in your child’s name

A Social Insurance Number (SIN)

The most recent year of tax filing

If you are interested in learning more or would like support in applying for the CLB, contact s.hohenadel@ywcacambridge.ca. We have staff available to help you obtain ID, open an RESP and connect you to a tax clinic, if needed. Upon successful completion of this process, families will receive a gift card for their participation and feedback on the project!

shades mills campers painting and crafting on a pic nic table

In partnership with YWCA Canada

Dollars and Sense Project

In partnership with YWCA Canada, the Dollars & Sense Program offers programs and services to support cis and trans women, gender diverse and two-spirit individuals. The Dollars & Sense Project offers workshops and programs that discuss finances and feelings and hands-on learning meant to:

  • Improve financial wellbeing, knowledge and skills
  • Reduce financial stress
  • Increase confidence in managing personal finances
  • Address specific needs and interests of participants in the program
  • Involve participants in the planning and learning along the way!

Dollars & Sense offers one-off workshops and multi-week programs that cover topics like:

  • Money Mindsets
  • Feelings & Money
  • Stress, Coping and Acknowledging Our Feelings About Finances
  • Budgeting
  • Opening and Maintaining Bank Accounts
  • Debt, Credit and Loans
  • Savings Options
  • Connecting with Community Resources
  • Money and the Holidays

Dollars & Sense is offered out of YWCA Cambridge’s community space, The W, located at 20 Dickson St, unit 101. If you are interested in bringing this program to your community group or organization, would like to attend a program or workshop or would like to learn more about the Dollars & Sense project, email thew@ywcacambridge.ca.


What is the Canada Learning Bond (CLB)?

Money from the Government that is put into a RESP for eligible Canadian children.

Does the child need to be in full-time post-secondary studies?

 No, they can also choose to be in part-time post-secondary studies and still be eligible.

What can the money from the Canada Learning Bond be applied to?

Apprenticeship programs; CEGEPs (General and Vocational College); Trade Schools; Colleges; Universities

How do I know if I qualify?

The number of children who would qualify in one household and the income of the primary caregiver which includes the income of their partner.

Can children in care acquire the CLB?

Yes. The primary caregiver or agency will submit the application. 

When can the child start to receive the CLB?

Once the application is approved and for every year that they are eligible