Celebrating Tenacity & Grit: Key Takeaways from YWCA Cambridge’s She Talks Event!

A black and white photo of She Talks speakers Kris Ejem, Mallorry Green and Sera-Lys McArthur all sitting together with MC Nataleigh Ballantyne standing beside them

On May 14th, The Underwing opened its doors for YWCA Cambridge to bring the return of its signature speaker event,  She Talks: Stories of Tenacity and Grit. Headlined by three trailblazing women who have forged their paths in their own respective industries, the event delved into the essence of building businesses, finding and building communities, and embracing the unexpected with laughter. As the echoes of their stories linger in our minds, let’s unpack three key takeaways that illuminated the path to their respective success. 

Trust Your Instincts, Even When They Lead You Off the Beaten Path

A key theme that came up with all speakers was the path seldom unfolds according to our crafted plans. Amidst the unpredictable twists and turns, it’s our instincts that often serve as our guiding compass or that gut instinct to keep moving forward. The speakers at She Talks embodied this ethos, sharing anecdotes of moments when they veered off the expected course, only to discover unforeseen opportunities and insights. 

Mallory Green, co-founder and CEO of Eirene, noted that you might not see the full plan ahead, but in that moment, you make one decision that lets you know you’re moving forward. Every day you have an opportunity to get one step closer to where you want to go. The cool thing is, you can change your mind or your path and you never know where this one step might lead you! 

Trusting your instincts isn’t about following a gut feeling; it’s about embracing the wisdom that resides within you. It’s about daring to venture into the unknown, even if it means deviating from the path you originally chartered. Often, it’s these detours that lead to the most profound discoveries and accomplishments. By heeding the whispers of intuition, we open ourselves up to new horizons and possibilities, enriching our journey in ways we could never have imagined.

Create What You Wished Existed

Our community is brimming with innovation and creativity and the power to bring our visions to life lies within each of us. At She Talks, the speakers emphasized the importance of not merely adapting to the existing landscape but actively shaping it.

After years of working through a male dominated industry, Kristina Ejem realized if she was going to find a space for herself and other women as boxers, she’d have to create it.  After thinking fighting professionally may not be for her, she found herself sitting in a coffee shop when it hit her: “Girls Just Wanna Box.” It would become the name of  boxing program Kris developed for women to learn the technical skill of boxing, while also having fun. This led her to hosting an all women card, all women official fight night, something she wished she’d been able to find earlier in her career.

Creating what we wish existed is an act of both imagination and determination. It’s about identifying gaps and filling them with the pieces of our own ingenuity. Whether it’s launching a business that addresses unmet needs or cultivating a community that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, our ability to manifest our desires is boundless. 

It Keeps Getting Better

Amidst the ebbs and flows of life, one constant remains: the promise of growth and evolution. As the speakers shared their journeys at She Talks, they illuminated the profound truth that every experience, no matter how challenging or unexpected, contributes to our ongoing transformation. 

Sera-Lys moved around for years in her pursuit of acting and producing.  Right from high school, she left for New York City to pursue musical theatre with the hopes of making it to the Broadway stage. When she realized it wasn’t the stage, but the screen she was after, she found herself in the middle of the Canadian film industry in Vancouver. 

These moves and roles allowed her to reconnect with her people, community and language. It opened up an opportunity for her to document and learn the language of her Nakota ancestors for a role – one which originally had no lines until she insisted this character had something to say and she was going to learn the words to convey her message. This led her to being called to create her own production company that amplifies Indigenous voices, Fanning Feathers Productions.

“It keeps getting better” isn’t just a mantra; it’s a testament to the resilience of our speakers and those in the audience. It’s a reminder that setbacks can be stepping stones, leading us ever closer to our full potential. With each hurdle we overcome and each lesson we learn, we emerge stronger, wiser, and more equipped to navigate the complexities of existence. Embracing this mindset allows us to approach life with renewed vigor and optimism, knowing that the best is always yet to come.

She Talks wasn’t merely an event; it was a celebration of spirit and grit in all its diversity. Through the shared wisdom of our speakers, we were reminded of our capacity to trust our instincts, manifest our dreams, and embrace the journey with unwavering optimism. As we carry forth the lessons learned, may we continue to illuminate our paths with the light of inspiration and possibility.

To really feel what we all felt in the room on May 14, you had to be there. If you missed it this year, you don’t want to miss it next year. Stay tuned for the announcement of the 2025 installment of She Talks!

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