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30 Years of Women of Distinction Awards: Colleen Smith, 2000

Apr 2, 2024 | Blog, Women of Distinction

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the YWCA Cambridge Women of Distinction awards, we’re highlighting recipients from over three decades of celebrating ordinary women doing extraordinary things.

Colleen Smith (left), Woman of Distinction recipient in 2000, smiles with her daughter, Samantha.

Colleen Smith

Woman of Distinction award recipient in the category of women helping Women, 2000.

Colleen Smith, recipient of the 2000 Women Helping Women Award, is a luminary whose dedication to uplifting women and fostering community cohesion has left an indelible mark on our community.

Colleen’s journey towards recognition was paved with tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to various volunteer roles. As the President of The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Cambridge, she spearheaded initiatives ranging from advocating for women’s rights to supporting local families in need through the “Share the Warmth” campaign. Her involvement with YWCA Cambridge and the United Way, bringing her leadership in marketing and youth programs, exemplified her multifaceted approach to community building.

Reflecting on the impact of receiving the Women Helping Women Award, Colleen emphasized its role in validating the invaluable contributions of women. “The recognition put a tangible value on the difference women can make in other women’s lives,” said Colleen. It served as a catalyst for continued advocacy and a source of purpose for both herself and her teams.

In alignment with the mission of Women of Distinction, Colleen remains steadfast in her commitment to uplifting and celebrating women in her community. Through mentorship and outreach, she inspires the next generation to harness their potential and effect positive change. Her guiding principle—”each of us can make a positive difference”—continues to drive her efforts to this day. “Supporting and uplifting people in general around you creates a sustainable circle of life,” Colleen said, “and that’s a core purpose.”

Offering words of wisdom to young women, Colleen emphasized the power of community engagement and advocacy related to advancing policy change. “Legislative policy is the only way to enact long-term substantive change,” said Colleen.

Quote from Colleen Smith: "we get tired of thinking that women who are older don't have the same energy, vision, capabilities and motivation. That's a stereotype and just is not true."

“It demands resilience and perseverance and pays dividends for decades to come.” She went on, “equally or even more important is to provide words of wisdom to our peer group [of women at more advanced stages of life] and remember we’re powerful at any age and stage of our life.”

One quote, the author unknown, which drives Colleen, is “”I’ve learned that one statement made to a person at just the right moment in time can have a life-changing impact that most people don’t realize could ever occur.”

As human rights are threatened across the globe, the importance of supporting organizations working to advance justice cannot be overstated. As Colleen said,  “we need these strong community-based organizations to step up now,” citing the ongoing and escalating challenges faced by women worldwide. “Their relevance will never fade as long as we have rights to support… [we need] to make sure that  we don’t take anything for granted…and have a strong voice in the judicial system, at the council table in Cambridge and for all women regardless of their stage in life and their age.”

This need for collective advocacy “isn’t necessarily more important now,” Colleen said. “I think it’s equally as important now as it has been for the last 30 years – and since the YW was created – because there’ve been challenges at every stage in their history. And there will continue to be – their relevance will never fade as long as we have rights to support.”

Looking ahead, Colleen is poised to tackle ageism through a new project aimed at unlocking the latent wisdom of seniors. Rejecting stereotypes and championing collaboration, she challenges women to rethink entrenched policies, stereotypes and strategies, harnessing the collective strength of women and men alike.

This year, let’s commemorate Colleen and all 300+ Women of Distinction celebrated since 1994. We celebrate them for their remarkable achievements and the enduring spirit of women who dare to challenge conventions. We invite you to join us in celebrating the 30th Anniversary Women of Distinction awards gala. The 2024 Women of Distinction Awards will take place June 12, 2024, at Whistle Bear Golf Club. Tickets will go on sale this Spring.

Are you a former Woman of Distinction recipient who wishes to be featured on our blog? Reach out to Roz Gunn at!