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Important Notice Regarding The Potential One-Day OSSTF Strike

Dec 2, 2019 | Blog, News

There is potential strike action that will impact our service users at our Ryerson child care centre. If a deal is not reached at the bargaining table, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) will be on a one-day strike Wednesday December 4. As OSSTF represents a large number of education workers, this means that public elementary and secondary schools cannot operate if a strike were to happen. All public schools will be closed, and this means that our Ryerson child care centre cannot operate on December 4. We will be unable to run any of our child care programs on that day, and regular services would resume the following day, December 5. 

We will be monitoring the situation and providing any updates as we receive them. 

We understand that this job action, should it happen, will cause scheduling conflicts for many of you. We ask for your patience and understanding at this time.