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Women of Distinction Spotlight: Jen Gralec

Mar 6, 2019 | Blog

We’re pretty grateful for the sweet (and delicious!) impact Jen Gralec makes within the Cambridge community. A long-term supporter of YWCA Cambridge, it’s our pleasure to share some thoughtful words from the owner of Waterloo Region’s most sought after bakery, Tiny Cakes.

What have you been up to since your big win?
Since winning I have been continuing to grow the bakery business and I have also launched another project which is a blog called still musing. Have recently faced a number of personal demons with regards to mental health, I am hoping to become a source of inspiration to others that are struggling and perhaps show them that you can live a full and rewarding life even if it doesn’t fit the “perfect” ideal 

What’s your personal or professional motto?
I know this is going to sound corny but it’s pretty simple, Have Courage and Be Kind – what I mean by this is have the courage to live your own truth in your own way regardless of how others will view you. I think when that is done from a place of kindness and love you can’t go wrong. 

Orange box, blue text, a quote from Jen: "Just imagine a world where people would strive to build each other up instead of pulling them don; a world that was more honest and real."

What does the world need more of? Less of?
I think the world needs more empathy and connection and less comparison. Seems pretty simple right? Just imagine a world where people would strive to build each other up instead of pulling people down; a world that was more honest and real and less filtered. 

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
You can be scared to fail AND still try – you must always try 

What’s an issue happening in the world that you wish more people were talking about/trying to find a solution for?
How important Mental Health is. While there is a lot of awareness around mental heath issues, there is still so much stigma and shame associated with it. Only when the shame is stripped away can real conversation happen about addiction, self care, etc. be effective. I also think that we need more funding for that area of Health Care so waiting lists can be shortened and resources can be accessed sooner rather than later.

Help us to spread more stories like Jen’s! Support this year’s event (and by extension all the great work we want to do in the community!) by purchasing a ticket or two for the 2019 event now! We can’t wait to celebrate 25 years of trailblazers with you on March 27. See you then!